Thursday, June 4, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award

How lovely...Keetha over at Keepie DaNiece's Ecclectic Stuff...clever name don't ya think? That gal's a hoot!!! Lovely, Miss Keetha blessed me with this Lovely Blog Award...thank you Ma'am! I am honored and will proudly add this to my sidebar!!!
Now, I've got to go take care of these lovely, Grandboys...catch ya'll later!

Oh, I forgot to pass this One Lovely Award on, to 6 lovely ladies....
Pat...she is my dearest friend and as lovely as they come! lovely daughter and the Mama of Madison, Ian and lovely grandbabies! dear friend with the most lovely of spirits.

Donna... a dear blogger friend...who has the lovely prayer site By His Stripes!

Terry...another dear blogger friend who has the most lovely sense of humor.

Felisol...a blogger friend who lives across the sea in lovely Norway.

Love to all!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

First of all you blog is beautiful.
Congratulations on the award and yes she is a hoot. I've only been blogging since April and she became my first followers. Since she tagged me the other day I have grown to 15. I love your "About Me", sounds like your truly blessed. I love Jesus too, "My God Is An Awesome God."

Keetha Broyles said...

Awwwwwwwwwww shucks (said while blushing) you are far toooooo kind in your description of my and my little ole blog!!!

Felisol said...

Dear Trish, You really are a busy bee.
I of course thank you for the award, most undeserved, but who doesn't like a compliment? I do.
I've had fun reading about Elek baptizing your cellphone.
You are lucky if the phone works. Your grandchildren sure are lucky to have such and engaged and caring grandmother.
Madison and Ian Thomas must be like jewels in your crown. Such good looking, hardworking and Jesus loving children.
Well, I guess children reflect what has once been given them.
Both parents and grandparents should feel happy and blessed.

I also must complement you on your beautiful birth town,- much similar to mine.
Psalm 121 was the one my dad loved and also the one Serina choose for her baptism.
Meed I say, it is so special to me.
From Felisol

donna said...

I am sooo grateful for dear blogger friends such as you...thank you for honoring the prayer blog with this lovely award..


Louise said...

Thank you my Trisha for this award. I consider it an honor to know you and to be your 'sister' in Christ and your friend to boot!

Pat said...

Oh that I were as lovely as this award! Thank you my sweet friend, being around you would make anyone lovely!

Keetha Broyles said...

Yes Trish, "Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss" is a movie about the same family that is in "The Christmas Story." It is the same genre - - - someone narrating the life of that Indiana family. Ollie was a Disney made for television movie. Our family LOVED it. There were just moments in those movies that most families can relate to!!!

Thanks for your kind words about my foto post. I sure had fun getting it ready.

Samantha said...

Congrats on your lovely award, very deserving to such a sweet lady ! I always look forward to your posts, have a great weekend !

Terry said...

oh trish...thank you so much!
i don't know where i have been the last few days.
i can't believe i haven\t checked your blog since saturday!
i can't even think what i was so busy at!
time has a way of slippimg by..
you are way too kind...thank terry