Wednesday, June 17, 2009



Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your right, that was/is amazing. Thank you for sharing that.

Samantha said...

Wow ! Truly amazing !!
Blessings dear friend.

Keetha Broyles said...


Felisol said...

Dear Trish,
A lady after my heart.
So full of life and energy, and so conscious about her vehicle.
The way to go.
My Gunnar has an MG TF-54 from Vancouver.
He has been the proud owner for 35 years. Now he and many other classic car owners are worried about government policy, concerning fuel etc.
So even if we're counting the cae as a blessing, there will always be a cloud or two in the horizon.
Better not think about the problems until they are real?
From Felisol

Pat said...

Richard sent this to me....I loved it! Hal got quite a kick out of it too.
That's one smart woman...and full of life!

Margie said...

how great is she?? I love her thriftiness! She buys lifetime stuff and got 6 batteries for FREE!! Great idea!