Saturday, January 9, 2010

Catching Up

It is a beautiful, bright sunshiney morning.
Believe me, it did this ol' heart good to feel the warmth of the sun, through the bathroom window, as I gave it a good scrubbing. I am catching up after a busy and overwhelming week. Christmas, finally left this house yesterday. Took me all day but everything is neatly tucked away where it belongs...sigh of relief.
Last night I had to take my Tomer back to the ER...Oh, yes another painful attack.
Good news is that the X-ray showed no signs of Calcification. The Dr. thinks he may have passed the stone...Hallelujah. He had a meeting at the Church this morning AND on his way home he is finally having his pain med scrip filled. He says he learned his lesson...have pain meds on hand in case you need them. Why suffer?
Thank you, Dear friends for your prayers and words of encouragement. I am so thankful for your love during this sad time...I have no words for what we have experienced but you held us up and for that I am truly blessed.

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. Romans 1:8


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am glad that you are having a nice day and glad that the stone passed. Love that photo, that to me speaks of Illinois where I grew up.

Keetha Broyles said...

That picture is so gorgeous! Did you take it yourself or find it somewhere? It is just simply striking!

Felisol said...

Dear Trish,
healing takes time.
I'm glad you managed to do something practically.
There's much stress relief in a good scrubbing.
Glad Tomer is better.
Our bodies reacts to pain and stress in the most various ways.
A reaction is good, better not oppress it.
The whole family is still in my prayers.
From Felisol

nancygrayce said...

I love that picture too! How striking that redbird is with all that snow and ice!

Constance said...

Thinking of you and sending warm thoughts this chilly morning. Cute picture! I am hoping to get Christmas Containers back in the shed in the next couple of days once it warms up a tad more. I don't feel like putting on a coat AND wrestling those suckas back into place! Happy Sunday!

Margie said...

glad you're settling back in!

Sandy said...

Love that photo! We have cardinals who often sit in snow-covered trees but they are so skittery I can never catch them with my camera. This is exactly what I want to photograph!

Anonymous said...

that photo is beautiful. glad hubby is on the mend, those darn kidney stones! hope you and your family are healing!

Louise said...

Love you Trish.

Raychel said...

Awwww... I just read that you and your husband has been together since you were 14! That is awesome!

My husband and I meet when we were 11 and started dating at 14 too :)

I am now 24 and we have been married for over 6 years now.
