Thursday, January 16, 2014

Belly Boy

This sweet man Elek, AKA Belly Boy, is spending the night with his Gram and Papa.  After announcing to his Mom this morning, that he needed to come for a visit...he stayed, when they headed home.  He, is a game freak and we limit his time on the computer or he would happily sit here all day.  So, I call time outs and haul out the rectangle bin, (as he calls it) full of his favorite toys.
He plays nicely by himself...when his older siblings aren't here to aggravate him.  So, it has been a good day...A day of snuggles, kisses, turning off lights and turning off lights!  I should start calling him Trace because he enjoys, "every light in the house on."   LOL.
Supper was our favorite pizza, which Tom picked up on his snowy, slippery drive home from work.  He (Tomer) just came in from clearing the walks and driveway.  So, I am going to get off here and give our Grandboy a bath and get him  ready  for bed...I am already in my PJ's...Yippee.
Have a blessed and peaceful evening...we are, our boy is here.  We are blessed.


Pat said...

The best of all worlds is having your grandparents all to yourself, and for grandparents it's have just one grandchild for a sleep over to give all your attention to. Cuddle and enjoy such sweet moments. Enjoy some pizza for me!

donna said...

Special times = Amazing Joy


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds perfect!

Sandy said...

He certainly is a cutie pie. I am so envious of everyone who has the joy of being a grandparent. Praying my Seth and his wife will change their minds and get pregnant sooner, rather than later. Enjoyed hearing about your sweet boy. And I love all of your snowmen!!