Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Place...Home

After four fun filled days away with a bunch of wonderful women. Days filled with much laughter, joy and the precious annointing of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I am once again packing. I will leave tomorrow, for a trip home to the place where I was born...a place where my heart sings...a place where my Mama and brother Bobby, anxiously await my arrival. The place where my precious Daddy rests in Cedar Hill Cemetery.
A place where I was taught to love God with all my heart, soul and mind.
The place where I will once again travel those red dirt roads, that connect my past and make me look to the future and as always, see the glory of it all!
If I have no Love I am nothing. I Corinthians 13:2.


Sandy said...

Have a wonderful time going home
Trish. May you feel the sweet
presence of our Lord as never
before. Come back refreshed
and renewed.

Felisol said...

Dear Trish,
I'm so happy that the Sister Reunion went so well. I was of course praying for our Lord to bless you, and now I find myself smiling by every happy testimony.

However, no place is like home, and I pray that God's angels will protect you and the Lord himself bless your meeting with the family and your roots.

I am not sure which state you come from, but I remember Miss Scarlett O'Hara praising those red dirt roads of the farm Tara. Even grasping a fistful of red soil after one of her dramatic meetings with her secret love Ashley.

Some words make more impact than others.( Especially at the age of fourteen).
I have never seen red soil, but I can easily relate to how planting ones hands in soil adds a new dimension and literally earth bind a frustrated soul. Gardening is my favourite hobby..

Wishing you a safe and happy journey.
From Felisol

Mrs. Mac said...

There's no place like home .. and soon you'll be there with your family. May the Lord give you traveling mercies and lots of rest.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Have a wonderful trip home and so glad you had a wonderful time with the ladies. God is good.

Margie said...

praying for all! loveyou!

have a great trip!

Crown of Beauty said...

Trish, I pray that your reunion with you mom and brother will be a meaningful one. How precious is the bond of love that we share with family - am so happy for you.

May God keep you safe within his hedge of protection!

Looking forward to the Sisterhood reunion stories and pictures!

Much love

Anonymous said...

Very heartwarming words..I hope you have a wonderful, special time at "home". May God grant you safe travel.