Monday, March 15, 2010


Baked Apples For Dessert

After our Spring forward yesterday and getting up at my usual time of 6:30 a.m. (my body knew it was really 5:30!) to get myself ready for Sunday School and was slow going this morning. This ol' grammy was pleasantly surprised when Kell carried Short Boy (Elek) in and put him in my lap, still asleep. Ahhh...he slept until almost 9:00. But after that, it was off to the races! Let me, just say that keeping track of that boy is nigh on impossible! He climbs, he runs, never walks and Oh, he is fearless. Sure doesn't take after this chicken liver, because if I thought there was a remote possibility that I'd get hurt, I would never attempt it! And my house when he left...that's another story.
Around here, Monday is always catch up day. I vacuumed, dusted, threw Supper in the Crock Pot and started on the laundry. Then, I went through my recipe's because our Life Group is having a Pot Luck Dinner and Movie Night this week and I wanted to make sure, that I had all of my supplies for what I will be cooking. Thank the Lord, I do! That means there will be no last minute run to the grocery store...Hallelujah!
While perusing (like that word?) my recipe collection, I came upon one for Baked Apples. It was simple to put together, had no Butter...sounded good and was good for us. So, my day was spent caring for Short Boy, doing chores and enjoying Tea and Baked Apples with my Tomer...I am blessed.

Love to All!


Felisol said...

Your baked apples sounds delicious.I actually know they are. Used to make them from "fallen" apples in the autumn when we were younger.
Scientists have had athletes trained for the Olympics following "Short Boys" step by step for a day.
They were exhausted within six hours.
Bet you sleep good at night.

Samantha said...

I love baked apples Trish, havent had them in so long...sounds so good !
Blessings to you my friend !

KayMac said...

Sounds like a postcard kind of day!

Sara said...

sounds wonderful!