Sunday, January 10, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

Thank you, Debby over at Just Breathe. She has been a faithful follower and her Ministry at For Your Tears is a beautiful remembrance to those who have suffered the heartache of losing a child.
Please check out her Blogs? She is an inspiration to so many.
Here are the rules, I am to post 7 things about myself and pass the award to 7 Beautiful Bloggers. Here goes...

1. I am the oldest of 8 children.
2. I was born in Erin, Tennessee.
3. My life belongs to Jesus!
4. I am happy because it is snowing...I love SNOW!
5. I love Nail Polish.
6. I am a retired Hairdresser since caring for my Grandbabies comes 1st.
7. I haven't drank a cup of coffee in 48 hours...sigh.

Since, some of you do not bother with awards...I pass this Beautiful Blogger Award on to those who do. The joy that you have added to my life Dear friends is such a blessing. So, please accept this award? You deserve it!

Love to All!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your welcome. Eight siblings, OMG.
Retired hairdresser, that is so cool! Thank you for sharing your 7!

Felisol said...

Dear Trish,
A well deserved award.
The seven things you share are all very interesting.
To be the eldest of eight children must have been quite a challenge. Not much time to be a child, I guess.

You must have learned much about human resources and values, prioritizing your grandchildren above your money.
I am so sure you made the right choice.
God bless you.
From Felisol

Margie said...

I didn't know you were the oldest of eight... but by your care giving ways... i can see that.

kanishk said...

The seven things you share are all very interesting.
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Crown of Beauty said...

For one reason or another, I thought of you today, and here I am paying your blog a visit.

And what a great time to visit.

I scrolled down and read back to some of your recent posts. Never had any idea what you had been through the past days.

My condolences and sympathies to you and your family. What a painful time, especially for your sister, and for it to happen at the start of the year.

The red cardinal (is it?) in the midst of the snowy branches is such a picture of hope.

I love your blog, I should be visiting it more often, really.

Love to you today, dear sister. And yes, I do accept the blog award. I love blog awards.

Thanks for lifting up my heart today.


Together We Save said...

COngrats on your award!!