I am most importantly a child of the King. Blessed to have grown up in a house filled with love and a Mama and Daddy who showed me Jesus! Married to Tomer who has been my man since I was just 14 and he 17 years old. I am a Mama of 2 wonderful Daughters. A blessed Grammy of 2 Grandaughters and 4 Grandsons.
My life is rich... I am loved!
Such a beautiful picture and scripture for this time of year, dear Trish.
~ Hugs and love to you !
What a beautiful painting!
Olivia was all concerned this morning because it's not yet Fall and she just can't figure out why she has to go to school when it's still summer!
...and she wasn't at all comforted by the fact that she will be finished with school when it's still Spring!!
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