Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Grammy's Morning

Ahh! What a morning. No quiet cup of coffee for this ol' grammy! In fact, as soon as my feet hit the floor I heard "Come on Xavie it's time to make waffles!" Em and Xavie had spent the night, since their Mama and Daddy were blessed with tickets to the Tiger game. Now you know, that I am NO morning person but off we went to make the waffles...or I would've been been harassed until I did! So, with the help of 4 extra hands and a little more mess, we whipped up the batter and breakfast was served!
After breakfast, even though it was raining. I decided to sit out on the back porch. Hey, maybe it will calm the savage beasties!? ;0)
I finally got my first cup of coffee down and did a bit of reading in the Book of Matthew! I love reading about the miracles Jesus performed!!! What I love even more, is that still performing miracles in lives today!!!
The grandbabies made their way to play land...the sandbox and playhouse are covered, Papa made sure to add a roof and shingles. So, they were sheltered and dry.
As always, the steady rhythm of the rain along with the Word of God brought peace to my being. And after the loud sibling brawl earlier... it was certainly welcome.
Tomorrow is my day off and that's another story!

Love to all!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

You are so blessed. Enjoy you Veg time today.

Deb said...

Olivia wanted a waffle yesterday. I went to the freezer and took out an Eggo and popped it in the toaster! Pitiful, I know - but no time in the morning before day camp to make homemade ones!

That sandbox looks inviting! I'd sit and build a castle there!

Samantha said...

What a wonderful day, I bet the waffles were delicious !
Such blessings spending time with the grands and reading the bible.
I also so enjoy reading the book
of Matthew.
~ Hugs and blessings to you my sweet friend !

Mrs. Mac said...

We really need to report Deb to the authorities for serving Eggo waffles to Miss O ;)

Your gardens and home and play area are lovely. I like the red brickwork on your home.

Enjoy the rain .. less work watering and it's free.
