Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Morning

What a beautiful morning...just roaming the yard, enjoying my coffee and the company and hugs of my man...Sunrise over Playland.

Another view from of our garden...floods this ol' gals soul with peace!

While sitting in the truck at our local garden center...this is the corner of the neighborhood where I grew up. Where Wendy's now sits was the Village Market. Many journeys were made here where we bought Our Penny Candy...wish the Grandbabies could experience the joy of happily heading home, with a sack full of candy, that you chose piece by piece!!!

Our local Garden Center...this corner was vacant when we moved to the neighborhood.

Caught sight of this Classic Car sitting at the gas station...this was a gas station, when I was a kid. But it had a garage, where they actually repaired cars! And was not a stop in...for goodies such as coffee, latte's, pop and hot dogs. Yes, times have changed...but this corner, holds lots of wonderful childhood memories...of family, friends and Oh, what happiness!!!

Have a peaceful, blessed weekend!!!

Love to All!


Keetha Broyles said...

What a fun morning!!! You did all that while I sat here soaking up my newly repaired AC, doing laundry, and blogging about SEX IN THE GARDEN!!!

I just saw your comment on Corem Deo about hoping the banter between the Catholic and Presbyterian signs was FRIENDLY. I had the EXACT same thought when I saw them. The Catholic sign "read" like they meant it in fun, but the Pres - - - not quite so much. Ouchy

Pat said...

The only corner missing is where Hal worked at the drug store, scooping up those ice cream cones!

Trish said... are sooo right!!! I couldn't see it from where I sat in the truck...should've got out, but didn't think!!!
Talk about ice cream cones...we loved to see Hal behind the Soda Fountain, cause that meant, for a nickel we got an ice cream cone so HUGE we had trouble balancing it! LOL
Now, I need to go shoot the opposite corners!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your garden looks beautiful.

Samantha said...

Great post, love the car !!