It is a cool morning here in Southeast Michigan...Brrr. It is overcast and gray but Tomer always has work to be done. Today, he is crafting me a new garden bench, since the other one has seen better days!

Xavie is Papa's helper. He says "I am Papa's worker." So, there he sits with tools Papa feels safe for him to work with...Oh, and excuse the mismatch of clothing on the boy. He insisted on wearing shorts this morning when his Mama dressed him. And these are the only warm things that this ol' grammy, could muster up for him. Don't ya just love that sandals and socks? Great combo eh?

Our latest edition to the yard...it sits right next to the back porch so that I can enjoy the soothing sounds of the water. Since we love kids, and find them such blessings in our lives. And have always worked in Children's Ministries...As soon as we spotted this...it was perfect. Well, I think it's time to grab myself a coffee...God makes everything glorious, even cool gray days! \O/
Love to All!