Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Dance

Today is the last day of school...Easter vacation!!! Of course, it is now called Spring break but not by me!!! My plans for tomorrow...sleep in. After that I've got the morning to do whatever???
We will most likely attend the Good Friday Service and then it's Scooter's turn to spend the night.
Saturday, I will finish up laundry and pack for our trip home to Tennessee! Where I will spend time with Mama, brother Bobby and sister Barbie & family. And My Tomer will be found traipsing happily through the hills and hollows. Turkey hunting with our brother-in-law Cape.
The weather is always beautiful and the Dogwood and Red Bud trees will be bursting with color! Oh, how I love the view of the woods from the kitchen window! That's where I'll be busy making all of Bobby's favorite food requests.
No winter coats...I'll be wearing Capri's and Sandals! Ahh..and the best part... is to be home. In the hills of my birth...where the red dirt roads wind through the memories of my past...and lead me to where I have come.

Love to all!


Margie said...

That is awesome! I will be praying for a safe trip, for you to be surrounded by God.

Deb said...

Have a wonderful trip Trish!! We'll miss you on the computer--unless you'll be sneaking in on your relative's PCs!

Have a blessed Easter!!

Oh...wanted to ask you, did you keep your miniature schnauzers groomed or did you let their hair grow? Bentley's starting to get a little scraggly, although I don't mind how he looks...just wondering!

Trish said...

Deb...we had them groomed (not often enough) if their hair gets long it mats terribly!
Oh, my brother has a PC!!!

Louise said...

Have a wonderful trip my dear friend ... it sounds beautiful .. like you.
I love you and I appreciate the advice you gave on my post.

Constance said...

I love going home too! Here in Texas our Red Bud trees are all bloomed out and getting their leaves now. Our red-violet Crepe Myrtle in the front yard is getting its leaves. It's a late bloomer compared to others around here. Some start blooming in May but ours doesn't until the 3rd week in June, like clockwork!

Today I am running the a/c again as it's supposed to hit 85 again!

Pat said...

Taking a road trip that ends in a place so dear to your heart is one of lifes precious delights. I won't wish you a good time because I know that in your heart of hearts you've already started with just the anticipation of going. The older we become, these trips have deeper meaning to us.
Take lots of pictures and don't forget to post them when you get home!
I send my love and prayers for a safe trip!!

donna said...

Praying for your safe travels.....
and days filled with laughter and love...
