Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Walking with Jesus

The forecast for today is I was loading the dishwasher I could hear the distant thunder. The rain is almost here. I love the rain...the smell of the damp earth, as it prepares for Spring. A time of the glorious colors of God burst from the ground in all of their splendor. Don't you feel the hope and joy that each tulip, leaf or even the smallest blade of grass brings?
I find it no mistake that Spring is when we celebrate the resurrection of Christ...
How much more hope and joy He brings!!! He is here in Glorious Splendor...His beauty beyond description. As the flowers are within our grasp, their beauty is fleeting.
Jesus is always near...He gives Eternal Life...How Amazing!

Love to All!


Deb said...


Your post uplifted my heart today!!

Constance said...

Lily of the Valley, Rose of Sharon, fragrant offering on our behalf, that's our Savior!

donna said...

ohhhh how beautiful...I so love the smell of rain....