Monday, December 28, 2009
Snowy Day...Happy Day

Photo of winter day in our historical Heritage Park.
We are finally experiencing a lovely snowfall this morning...Yippee! After all the excitement around here last week I had a list of errands to run a mile long...bank, credit union, cleaners, shoe repair and shopping. It was nice for things to be back to normal and get out and about. Oh, how I enjoyed the snow covered trees and the slippery roads of Winter!
Tomer is doing well. Moving a bit slower than usual but nothing keeps him down. I am doing laundry and since it hasn't been touched since Wednesday morning...believe me, there is a pile a show dog can't jump!
Starting tomorrow, we have decided to reorganize closets and basement and purge this house of lots of stuff. If it doesn't get used...it's outta here! The Living Room still needs painted but I cannot decide on a color! I guess I will have to stand in Home Depot and look at paint samples until my eyes cross or I make up my mind...whichever comes first!
Well, I just heard the dryer buzz that means it's time to go change up loads...then it's coffee time. Enjoy your day!
Love to all!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
How Quickly Things Change

Well, the best laid plans are always subject to change. Wednesday morning I had my to do list ready, I didn't want to forget a thing. Just let me say that by lunch time things were about to change...Tomer was in severe pain and because of our experience with Kell we were all but sure he was trying to pass a kidney stone!!! I convinced him to head for the E.R., the poor guy had to drive himself because I had Grandbabies to care for...sigh. He called a while later with the news that they were admitting him because the stone was too large for him to pass on its own. (just like Kell)
The above photo is how we spent Christmas Eve...our family tradition of Hungarian Goulash and opening gifts were not to be. Instead we waited all day for Tomer to be taken to surgery and because of the holiday he kept getting dropped to the bottom of the list because it was not life threatening.
So, finally at 7:00 p.m. off he went and I was left, the lone soul in the surgical family waiting room. I am thankful for the wonderful Dr. that performed Tomer's surgery...he explained every little detail to me and had every order and scrip written for Tomer to go home first thing Christmas morning. So, I checked on my man, held his hand a bit and with a kiss he sent me on my way because it was way after dark.

Christmas morning I picked Tomer up by 9:00. No, white Christmas it was pouring rain! We turned on Christmas music, sipped coffee and ate Kalach a Hungarian pastry that is a Tradition around here. I had the dough rising on Wednesday when he went to the hospital so it didn't get baked until about 1:30 Christmas Eve morning.
But, I was determined to do what I had to for our family Christmas. And it was perfect because we were together and well, that's all that really matters.

God is faithful...I praise Him for health and strength. I praise Him for joy and comfort...I praise Him for His goodness and mercy...I praise Him for for life everlasting...I praise Him for His Son Jesus for I was lost and now am found...Jesus changes everything!
Love to All
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Wishes

Here it is 3 days before Christmas! It seems, now that I am older the Season flies by! As a child, I thought the most glorious morning of the year would never arrive. Maybe, it's because my mind wasn't filled with to do lists and preparations. I was safe and warm, loved beyond measure by the best Mama and Daddy that a girl could have!
And I pray, that I too will leave this same legacy of love to my girls and their babies. What better gift could I give than unconditional love? And that they know, that nothing they could ever do would change that love...like Jesus loves us. Growing up, hugs were plentiful, there were kisses and I love you's before bed every night. And nothing money could buy can replace love and acceptance...nothing! So, I wish you, not just Merry Christmas...I wish you love and acceptance, Oh, and lots of hugs and kisses!
And don't forget there among the wrapping paper and ribbon you will find our Saviour...Christ the Lord! He, is the Greatest Gift of all!
Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Love to All!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tis The Season

Today starts our Christmas vacation. Tomer is making his bus run, dropping off precious cargo for the last time this year. The kids, will be excited after their celebrations at school and looking forward to the days at home where they will anxiously await Christmas Day!
My Grandbabies got out of school yesterday. So, I had the day to get my house scrubbed, do some laundry and put on a pot of Enchilada Soup. It has been a busy week of Christmas Programs at both Church and School. A Leadership get together with our Pastor and their lovely wives. Tomorrow, Tomer and I will work the Matinee performance of our Church program. He cruising the parking lot and I whipping up Hot Chocolate, Latte's, Coffee and Chai Tea in our cafe... Heavenly Grounds.
Come Monday, I will be on my own. Tomer is going Hunting one last time. I will do some baking and wrapping. Watch a movie or two or three and enjoy my alone time.
The day after Christmas we will head South to visit Mama and Bobby. She, is all settled in at the Nursing home and started some physical therapy. I am, so thankful, for my sweet brother who makes sure that she has all that she needs. Well, it's time to go put in another load of laundry and finish up Supper. Have a Blessed, Peaceful evening.
Love to All!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Night before last as the winds came blowing through I peeked out the living room window to find this lovely scene. I love snow!!! We didn't get much because it soon turned into rain that fell throughout the night. But...Ooh, the winds continued to get stronger until our temperatures dropped dramatically! It was sooo strong, that it about blew my Sisters and I through the parking lot at Cracker Barrel. And of course, we were running and squealing with laughter the whole way! We Musser girls can be quite silly at times and I am blessed with a bunch of wonderful siblings.

This photo was supposed to go on Facebook. It was a Christmas gift, lovingly made by our former Pastor's wife some years ago. I just love handmade gifts. The giver, leaves you with a piece of themselves that stays with you forever.

Hallelujah! The tree has been finished for a couple of days now and I so love to sit by it's light in the evening. The tree always takes me back to my childhood when
times were simpler. Christmas was a gift in itself.
The tree isn't leaning the photographer just didn't line this up well...Hmmm...wonder who that was?

This year I didn't decorate near as much as I usually do. I just didn't feel the need and I guess with age comes wisdom. I am learning to do what I can and don't sweat the small stuff. Which, at times is hard for me! But, I am finally slowing down a bit...less stress...better life.

And I leave you with this shot (get it) of Tomers trophy which hangs in the playroom.
Hey, he has to be a part of the festivities too! I Pray that you are all enjoying this time of preparation...Christ the Saviour is born.
Love to All!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Merrily, Merrily

Help! I am slightly aggravated and want these lights to work, for crying out loud! Why can't they make Christmas lights like they used to??? While trying to decorate this tree, I have had several strands of lights, that work when you test hop them. And then, while wrapping them around the tree...half the strand blows!!! Lord help me not to blow...or dance a jiggety, jig, jig of frustration???
Oh, I yearn for the day that things lasted. Though the lights from my childhood could fry fingers after they were on awhile...Tomers, Mom's still worked and they were nigh on 50 years old!!!
Now, I will be making a run, to one of our overcrowded stores for another strand of lights but if I am smart (which I never claim to be)I will buy 2! That way I have a lovely back up strand. And maybe, just maybe, they will last until next year...sigh.
One day, this tree just might be finished!!! But, for now I must be merrily on my way!!!
Ecclesiastes 7:8
The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.
Love to All!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Chores & Decorations

It's finally looking like Christmas in our house. No tree, as yet, but after I do some cleaning I will work on getting it up and at least, getting the lights on it! (I hope)
Could have worked on it last night but Tomer and I had a Date Night...we went to the Movies to see The Blind Side. It is an awesome flick and I recommend it highly. It is sad, funny, but mostly inspiring. Tomer and I came out of there asking ourselves, as Christians could we have done this??? What a family! Go see it!
Tonight, I have my first Christmas celebration...going to dinner with Mariann and her Barrista's from our Church Cafe. Tomer will be eating last nights leftovers after putting up Christmas lights and decorations outside.
Well, I had best get a move on if I am to get the bathroom scrubbed and my list of chores finished before getting beautified...have to be at the church by 5:00.
Have a blessed peaceful weekend!
Love to All!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
A Path Well Taken

Tonight, as I made my way home from Tuesday night's coffee and gabfest. The road, I traveled was brightly lit with Christmas lights and decorations. Oh, what joy I felt as I journeyed home on this path I have taken thousands of times. It is where I grew up. Familiar...oh my, yes! But I love familiar and am not one for change. I have no desire to travel the world or live anywhere else. This is where I started going with my Tomer 43 years ago next month...where I raised my girls and now, enjoy my Grandbabies.
Where, I carry on family traditions. Where, I love my family, serve the Lord and try to treat others kindly, like Daddy always taught us. Oh, how I miss him tonight, for I traveled this same path with him, many times growing up.
So, as I prepare my home for Christmas...I am thankful for this path my life has taken and for a Mama and Daddy who showed me the way...they were the road map of life and this life, has been a journey that I shall cherish always.
Love to all!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Coffee And Quiet Time

Last night, I enjoyed an evening by the fire, writing out Christmas cards and watching a sappy old Hallmark movie...lovely.
I am alone on this gorgeous, sunny morning, enjoying my coffee and some quiet time. It is cold! Our thermometer on the back porch reads but 28'. Gone, are the last of summers blooms. We have had such unseasonably warm weather, that our Honeysuckle Vines were still in bloom! But, last nights cold temperatures now have them ready to be pruned away. And soon a new season will begin. Call me crazy but I am ready for some snow.
Tomer, Ian and Miss Em are in the woods of Bronson. Probably, still sitting in the Tree Condo, praying that a Deer pass their way. They, will return this afternoon after eating at their favorite cozy, little restaurant in the small town of Colon, Michigan.
I have started the laundry and will finish up some chores around here, while listening to Third Day and the Gaither Vocal Band! Pray you have a blessed, peaceful weekend...enjoy your leftovers!
Love to All!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A Thankful Heart

Well, here it is Thanksgiving Eve! What, I consider the Holiday Season has finally arrived...Yippee! Tomorrow, our families will gather round the table and give Thanks for our many Blessings.
I am blessed, beyond measure. God has given me more than I deserve. A Husband, who serves Him with his whole heart and believe me, Tomer takes that very seriously!
(His Mom made sure of it.)
My girls, live just a few minutes away and I am blessed to see them often. And to be an active part in the lives of our Grandbabies...Well, there are no words for that!
So, this morning, I thank God for all that He has done in my life. For the privilege of being His servant. For giving me a heart full of praise and hands to touch, to love and to serve Jesus.
Happy Thanksgiving!
There, in the presence of the LORD your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the LORD your God has blessed you.
Deuteronomy 12:6-8
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
A Day In The Life

1. Here I am, just me and my coffee...Yes, Tomer is once again in the woods of Bronson. Today is the last day of Bow Season and tomorrow is Opening day of Gun Season.
2. I am kind of tired this morning, thanks to the Alarm clock blasting me awake in the middle of the night...wonder which one of the Grandboys did that!
3. Have a Hair Appointment at Noon...would like a new Do, but I am not feeling adventurous so I will just get a trim.
4. Errands to run and shopping to do. Since I felt bad all week, I didn't leave this house until last night and that was because I was down to my last roll of toilet paper!
5. Need to stop at the Beauty Supply since I am running low on Nail Polish and a few other necessities. Where I, as always...spend more than planned.
6. Wow! It is really quiet here this morning!
7. Went on Amazon.com and ordered myself the New Gaither Vocal Band CD and since Tomer has been wanting Revelation by Third Day I ordered that too. It will be a Merry Christmas surprise!
8. Well, a Lawn Mower has just broken the silence of the morning. One of the neighbors must be chomping leaves.
9. Will laundrocize later on after my errands are done...what fun!
10, Our Divine Miss Em is spending the night so Supper will be take out Pizza and I know we will make a run to Family Video for a movie or two. We will sit by the fire, eating Pizza and watching movies...Life is just plain wonderful!
Love to all!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thank You...Thank You...Thank You...

I would like to thank Debby over at Just Breathe for this Friendly Blogger Award! She is always so faithful to leave comments. Love you Debby and appreciate your ministry and friendship!
The following Blog Friends have been faithful in leaving lovely comments. And I want to send a BIG thank you to all who stop here for your friendship!
So, I pass this Friendly Blogger Award on to....
Samantha at Sweet Southern Journey.
Pat at Living on Grace.
Kellerbell at Pickle Juice
Sara at Seasons of Grace
Debby at Just Breathe...I have to send it right back at you because you are ever faithful!
Love to All!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Davis Monthan Air Force Base...Tucson Arizona. Our honeymoon was spent making the drive from Michigan to Tom's first Base after Tech school. We spent a year and a half here...wonderful memories.

Nellis Air Force Base..Las Vegas, Nevada where we spent Tom's last year of service. Back gate...flight line.
Today, I am thankful for all of our Veterans. Having been an Air Force Wife, I know, the pain of saying goodbye and watching as my Soldier walks onto a plane, knowing that I won't see his face nor hear his voice for a year. I pray today, for there are those facing this same sadness. Just a different time, a different war. And I am proud of my Tomer (they called him Andy) and remember the boys who served with him...Jerry, Jim, Cam, Jose, Lalo, Eddie, Mushy, Duke and so many more. Thank you is not enough.
Love to all!
Monday, November 9, 2009

After a wonderful weekend...A Church Leadership Conference with wonderful people at a beautiful place in the country. I came home refreshed, renewed and ready to take on whatever, God wants of me.
But, Sunday night I got the Cooties...so here I am doing nothing. Feeling headachey, nauseous and tired. So, I guess God wants me to be still and listen and that's just what this ol' gal is doing! I covet your prayers, not just for myself but my Grandbabies Maddy who has Bronchitis and Ian who is being treated for the H1N1 Virus.
Oh, and for my Kellerbell their Mama, she is exhausted.
Thank you...
Love to All!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Brand New Key
For Pat...thank you for the trip down Memory Lane.
I am now singing this Golden Oldie!
Love you.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Eeney Meeney Miney Moe
Last night we met some Dear friends for coffee and dessert. They recommended Shatila Bakery a Mid Eastern pastry delight. Follow us in and feast your eyes!
Be sure to click on photo's to enlarge.
Isn't it beautiful? Such a lovely and quiet place to gather for a nice visit.

How do you choose??? I was overwhelmed as I tried to take it all in and decide what on earth I would like.

Yes, even more. There was 6 of us and not 1 of us chose the same thing! I finally just said "I'll have that" while pointing, because I could not pronounce the Arabic name of it...didn't even try!

As we were leaving, I saw that they offer a variety of homemade ice creams too. Next time I will try one along with my pastry. Yep, pastry ala mode...but I don't think that's what they would call it!
Love to All!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Autumn Weekend

Another photo taken by Madison in the woods of Bronson
1. Home alone...Tomer's in the woods of Bronson. Yep, Bow Hunting again.
2. To clean or not to clean? Do I spend my day scrubbing or doing whatever I like? Hmmm...
3. Do some shopping...maybe.
4. Do some laundry...nope!
5. Pick up prescription...a must.
6. Return movie and browse for another one...cause I can watch whatever I like.
7. Make a run thru Tim Horton's, for my favorite coffee and pumpkin muffin...for sure and for certain!
8. What's for Supper...who cares! I'll eat a sandwich. No fuss.
9. Watch movie...while drinking coffee, eating pumpkin muffin and doing of nails.
10.Study Sunday School lesson...Church tomorrow!
Have a blessed, peaceful weekend...I am.
Love to All!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Chicago, Leroy And A Wedding

We arrived in Chicago safe and sound. Not thinking, about the time change we were there way ahead of Mama's flight. Which turned out to be a blessing since we had no clue as to where we were going.

And the traffic...just let me say, I was glad that I was not doing the driving.
But the skyline was beautiful!

This is a Limo Driver's solution, to the gate not going up, on the departure side of the Cellular Lot. We watched, as he just pushed it out of the way...wood splintering everywhere. You should have seen the look on the face of the Airport Policeman when he came through on patrol...it was priceless. Midway Airport, is located on the South side of Chicago...can you guess what I was singing? Oh, yeah...it was Jim Croce's, "Leroy Brown." I love me some Jim Croce!

Glenn & Tammy's vows, which they wrote themselves. And my cousin, Glenn didn't even need a cheat sheet! Meet Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Clark, who are now Honeymooning in Hawaii!

This is my Mama, Aunt Brenda (Daddy's Sister) and myself. We shared a wonderful time with Glenn. Made special, by the love and support of family. And of course, lots of hugs because we Southerners are all about hugging! It was, so good to spend
time with Mama...we talked much, laughed much and loved much!!!
Love to All!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Family Time

Emilee and Grammy
Since we will be leaving for Chicago, in the morning. We celebrated, our Divine Miss Em's, birthday tonight. She requested Fried Cabbage and Noodles and Lime Pineapple Pie for her Birthday Meal. I just put candles on the pie and she was one happy girl!
I am, so excited about packing up and heading out, in the morning for my cousin Glenn's Wedding. Mama has called me twice today and we cannot wait to meet up in Chicago and spend a few days together.
Family Celebrations...Birthdays...Weddings. Sweet time together...we are blessed beyond measure. God is faithful.
See you when we get back! Please pray for our travels?
Love to all
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A look at MEME

The Eight Question MEME
Got this one from Pat over at Living On Grace....
Six names you go by:
1. Trish
2. Mama
3. Grammy
4. Sis
5. Patricia
6. Pat
Three things you are wearing right now:
1. Black w/ blue polka dot Tshirt
2. Black jogging pants
3. White socks...I look lovely.
Three things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Mandy to get well
2. Salvation for some family members
3. Obama out of office
Three things you did last night/yesterday:
1. Watched Elek
2. Ate a yummy Pumpkin Spice muffin with my Tim Horton's Coffee.
3. Had a great visit with Peg and Aileen.
Two things you ate today:
1. Yogurt
2. Pizza
Two people you last talked to on the phone:
1. Mandy
2. Tom
Two things you are going to do today/tomorrow:
1. Laundry
2. Celebrate Em's birthday...Making her Fried Cabbage & Noodles and Key Lime Pie.
Your three favorite beverages:
1. Coffee
2. Iced Tea
3. Simply Lemonade
Here's what you're supposed to do. Copy and paste the questions into your blog. Then delete my answers and type in your answers.
You don't have to if you don't want to, but when you can't think of anything else to blog...this works!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Clifford aka Elek

Clifford the Big Red Dog came to visit the other morning...Yes, this is how Elek came in. Shockingly, he wore that hood up most all day, it cracked me up. He is a happy go lucky little guy...but a whirlwind that destroys the neatness of my home in no time! But, after he leaves in the afternoon I just put everything back in it's proper place, haul out my trusty vacuum and wipe down the tables...Voila, everything is neat and tidy again.

I have found, after over 12 years of caring for the grandbabies. That rather than be all churned up about the disorder and driving myself crazy...trying to keep things perfect. That in the scheme of things... it, just does not matter! They are happy and at home here. And well, isn't that what really matters? That's what I want them to remember...they are loved and always welcome, in this, their second home...Papa & Grammy's.

This is Elek lining up cars and other of his playthings...I'm thinking that he is already just a wee bit OCD. Notice everything lined up...well, every car has to be facing in the same direction and the spacing between them just so. The other night, they stopped by and he grabbed a handful of candy corn. Next thing you know...he has them lined up on the end table...all pointed in the same direction and in a perfectly straight row.
Now, if he would only pick up all of his perfectly placed items...this ol' Grammy would really be happy! Have a wonderful day...I'm certainly looking forward to mine!
Love to all!
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