Saturday, March 10, 2012

Yawning On Sunday Morning

Well, it's that time of year again. Tonight we Spring Forward and in doing so lose an hour of sleep. Now, I know that all of you chipper, morning people like my Tomer won't be phased a lick! You will happily hit the floor, singing as you go. But me, the slow, not so chipper morning person...will drag myself out of bed, yawning at 6:30 A.M. feeling like junk. Why? Because it's really only 5:30 A.M. and my body knows it! You can change the Clocks but you can't fool me it says. And no matter how I long to sleep, getting up is a must, because we Sunday School Teacher's have the most important of jobs!
So, the Coffee Pot is set. And after a Hot Shower and a cup of my favorite Brew...this ol' grammy will face the day, maybe just a wee bit slower. (if that's possible) But with a smile on my face, as we (Tomer & I) do what the Lord leads us to do and that's to love children and show them Jesus. Happy Sabbath!
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15.) I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it". Mark 10:14&15.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad we never ever had to do that in our part of the world! Happy spring!!!

Deb said...

Somehow I escaped the fatigue this morning -don't know how that happened! I was awake and ready to roll before my alarm. That's MORE than I can say for Brillo Man! He was still sawing logs when I left for church this morning!

Mrs. Mac said...

I have an hour before I spring forward at 4:00 PM. That's all I'm saying .. over and out.

Joyful Noise for a Joyful Life said...

Love your great attitude. Teaching school will find us with desks full of little sleepy heads tomorrow morning.