Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Sadly, I write this today after learning that Andy Williams has passed away.  No, I did not idolize this man or any man for that matter.  But his songs take me back to a simpler time. A time when Mama would have her favorite Albums playing softly on the Stereo, as she went about her daily chores and caring for her family.  A time when music wasn't loud or offensive but contained both, beautiful lyrics and melodies.
So thank you Andy for the joy that you brought into our home...the Autumn leaves are falling.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

I Want To Live Like That

Listen to this simple but powerful story.

Francis of Assisi while hoeing his garden was asked what he would do if he were suddenly to learn that he was to die at sunset that day; he said “I would finish hoeing my garden”
What an answer.
Which means he was doing and living the way God wanted him to live.
Nothing needed to change.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Mandy

Today my baby turns 34 years old!   After years of thinking we would never have children the Lord blessed us with 2 wonderful daughters, Kellerbell & Mandy.  If, you don't believe in miracles just take a look at this photo of Amanda Elizabeth...she is living proof.  God is amazing!   Our words define us...speak life.   So, today I choose words of thanks to my wonderful Lord and Saviour.   He turned water into wine, healed the blind, raised the dead and gave me 2 precious daughters.  I stand in awe of the things that he has done in our lives.  Thank you Lord for Mandy...I am a blessed Mama.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Are You Ready For Some Football

Oh brother, here it is Sunday night and I am holed up in the playroom.  Football is back...Ugh!  A lot of wonderful things come with the Fall..but Football is surely not one of them.  Maybe, it's because my Mama was a Sports enthusiast and watched whatever was on...whether it be Baseball, Football, Hockey or Golf.  Good grief, she even watched Curling (we got a Canadian Channel because Windsor is just across the River)...which I found odd as a child...since they carried brooms and swept the ice to make this flat Bowling Ball looking thing move towards the finish line.  Oh, and I cannot forget Basketball!  Mama was the Captain of the Waverly High School girls team...she even had her nose broken when a gal whacked her in the face (on purpose) with the Ball!
I am so not like my Mama...there is not an Athletic bone in this ol' gals body!!!  And if I think there's the slightest chance of getting hurt...well,  just forget about it...I am a chicken.  Not my Mama she was one spunky lady.  I know for sure and for certain that she is sitting in her living room (not holed up like her oldest baby) rooting for Peyton Manning as he leads the Denver Bronco's tonight...Ya' know he played for University of Tennessee in College?  So, I will give a great big Rah...Rah...for Peyton, but I am not leaving this room.  Well, at least not until Tomer goes to bed.  To all of you Football fans out there I say "enjoy the fan fare and celebrations"...Me, I'll be ready for some Football to end!   Lol.
~Blessings Y'all

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Looking Ahead

As Summer comes to an end...I find that I am looking ahead.  Looking forward to cool, crisp days, the colors of Fall and slowing down just a bit.
Days when Tomer will once again climb aboard his Bus and set out on his daily route.  The Grandbabies are back in School... Well, all except Elek, who will start his Pre-School adventure on Monday.  Oh boy,  is he going to give his teacher a run for her money!  Yep, he is too big for his britches!  Lol.
I have been busy unpacking and doing laundry after spending a few days in Tennessee. Leaving as always, was bittersweet.  But this time it was doubly so since my Mama fell and broke her arm so badly that she had to have Surgery.  And now has her right arm in a sling for 6 weeks, which makes it hard for her to do most anything.   But thank the good Lord, she is otherwise in pretty good health... so I am surely not complaining.
While there my sister Barbie had a Fish Fry to celebrate Mama's 79th Birthday.  Oh, how we Southerners love a  good Fish Fry!  Although, if honest, I do not enjoy the eating of  Fish...but my Brother-in-law Cape's Fried Crappie (pronounced Croppie) was sooo good and of course, we had the usual fixin's of Cole Slaw, Fries and Hush Puppies. My whole life long I have been  a lover of Hush Puppies... I could feast on those little orbs of deliciousness and forget the rest of the meal.  Mmmmmm....
As sad as it was to leave Mama and Bobby. It's good to be home and as the seasons change.... so do the days of our lives and I am looking ahead.
~Blessings Y'all